Practicing As an International Ayurveda expert for Skin Diseases, and cancer for last 24 Yrs with clientele from the US, Europe and South America.
Director-Atharva Multispecialty Ayurveda Hospital, Cancer Research Centre, Panchakarma and Skin Care Hospital, Rajkot, Gujarat, India.Director-Green Tree Botanicals Pvt.Ltd.
Chairman-Atharva Life Science Academic and Research Foundation (ALSAAR Foundation)
Director and Professor-International School of Ayurveda, Colombia
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery from Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar-April 1994 at Shri O.H. Nazar Ayurvedic Collage, Surat.
Medical Emergency Treatment Course from Civil Hospital, Surat.
Providing Ayurveda consultations to diagnose & treat the patients for obesity, skin disorders, psoriasis, leucoderma, mental disorder, diabetes, arthritis, hair issues, hyperacidity, backache, bronchial Asthma & all types of chronic diseases by enhancing immunity.
Providing immunological treatment for all infectious diseases including prophylactic, palliative and supportive treatment in all types of cancer.
Collaborative research project at Lions Cancer detection center, Surat on Ayurvedic Medicinal Oils as a complimentary treatment for colorectal cancer caused by chemo & radio therapy under direct supervision of Dr.S.P.Shrivastav(M.D.) Chief Radiation Oncologist & Medical Director) from 2004 to 2006.
Collaborative research project to reduce the side effect of Radio Therapy & Chemotherapy in all types of cancer with Dr. Manisha David (M.D. Radiation Oncologist) at Gohil Cancer hospital, Navsari 2005
Research thesis on the effect of Panchakarma treatment on molecule levels with Dr.Narayan Patel(Ph.D.) Director of I.H.P., U.S.A. and Dr.Madhukant Pandya (M.D. Ayurveda) Ayurveda Center, U.S.A.
Clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Poly herbal powder in patients with vitiligo with The Department Of Pharmaceuticals Sciences, Saurashtra University, Rajkot.
Corelation between condition of tongue and type/severity of Psoriasis to develop the method for early detection
Events & Workshops
As an Organising Secretary successfully organized National Seminar on Diabetes with Vishwa Ayurved Parishad, Gujarat and Atharva Life Science Academic and Research Foundation,Rajkot,11th December 2016
Invited as a Co-Chair Person for the scientific session of Dermatology at 7th World Ayurveda Congress (WAC) at Kolkata 2016
Invited as a Guest Speaker at International Ayurveda Congress, London, UK, in 2017, Organized by International Academy of Ayurved, All India Ayurvedic Congress, International Maharishi Ayurveda Foundation, The Netherlands.
Invited to conduct a workshop on Ayurveda Dermatology by Complementary and Alternative Medicine Student Association of Middlesex University, London 2017.
Invited by the Indian Community of Harrow ,London to present on Ayurveda Diet and Life style in 2017.
Invited as a Key Note Speaker at 2nd International Congress on Restorative Medicine at Vienna, Austria in 2017
Invited as a Key Note Speaker and Chair Person at AYUSH International Conference at Melbourne, Australia 2018 organized by Australasia Ayurved Association, Australia.
Invited to Conduct Ayurveda Panchakarma retreat and Master Ayurveda Class at Latvia, Europe in 2018
Invited by Center for Ayurveda and Indian Systems of Healing, Toronto, Canada to Conduct Workshop on Ayurveda Dermatology in 2019.
Invited by International School of Ayurveda, Colombia to teach students and to conduct workshops, Seminars at Colombia in 2019.
Vice President-Vishwa Ayurveda Parishad, Gujarat State
Faculty for International Academy of Ayurved for Overseas
Editor-Journal of Cancer Prevention and Current Research,MedCrave Group, Oklahoma,USA.
Editorial Board member- International Journal of Dermatology,USA.
Editor- Madridge Journal of Dermatology & Research,USA.
Editor- Juniper Online Journal of Case Studies,USA
Chair Person –Clinical Board : Europe Ayurveda Academy
Dr Gaurang Joshi
BAMS, International Ayurveda Physician