Education Qualifications
B.A.M.S from Arya Kanya Ayurved Vidhayala, Vadodara, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar 2007
Professional Experience
Director, Meghdhara Ayurveda and panchkarma hospital and Meghdhara academy since 10 years at Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.
Runs a charity clinic at Jamnagar.
Junior reaserch fellow in ayurgenomics project to establish Ayurveda principle with genetic science.
International lecturer on the treatment of various topics such as Management of Infertility, Women Health Issues, Diabetes, Allergies, Beauty and Stress Management using Ayurvedic medicine and Panchkarma therapy.
She has proven success-treating patients of different age, ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
18 days of Panchkarma Treatment to 30 patients in IPD at Malaysia. (Dec 2017)
Opened 12 bedded Private Ayurveda hospital in Jan 2020
Presented online workshops for audience in Spain, France and the US (April 2020)
Dr Dhara Mehul Barai